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I am Tani De Gregorio, a holistic health & lifestyle coach, certified hypnotherapist and yoga teacher currently based in Singapore and excited to work with people from all over the world. I radically changed careers after working in the corporate world (Nestlé, L'Oréal, Clarins...) and as a freelance content creator for many years. And I am loving it! Most of the time, my work actually doesn't feel like work and this is the best feeling ever. 


If there is one thing you should know about me, it is that I am extremely passionate about what I do. I should also mention that I have not always been into health and wellness. Quite the opposite is true. For the biggest part of my life, I have pushed my body to its limits, in many different ways. I have lived a pretty unhealthy lifestyle (think several big cups of coffee a day, cigarettes, no sleep and a constant focus on work) and totally ignored many of the messages my body was trying to give me (panic attacks, digestive disorders, mood swings, eating disorders and so on). You can read more on that in the 'Some facts about me' section below. 


At some point, I decided that it was time for a change. I embarked on a journey that helped me reconnect with who I truly was. I started to work with different coaches, experienced the power of hypnotherapy and yoga and discovered a whole new side to life that I had not even dreamed of before. Life was not different all of a sudden - but the way I saw and experienced it was. I realised that my try calling was to share this wonderful feeling with others, to give back and to help other people reconnect with themselves and their own true calling.


At the centre of my work is the relationship between the mind and body. My biggest challenge has become my biggest strength.. 





Certified Hypnotherapist - Past Life Regression Academy, UK

Certified Yoga Teacher - Svastha Yoga and Ayurveda, Singapore

Integrative Nutrition Health Coach - Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN), USA

  • Leadership in Health Coaching Award 

MA International Marketing - European Business School London, UK

  • Top MA Management Graduate 


of the

Leadership in Health Coaching Award 

HCTP Sept 2019 class

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You can also
follow me on Instagram 





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