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Discover my
'Think better,
Feel better'

Transformation Program

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is for you if you want to...



eat more mindfully and feel more empowered around food


be more active and move your body more consistently


feel more relaxed and enjoy better sleep at night


feel more confident within yourself

During 21 days, we will focus on a particular challenge that you experience

in one of the following areas:










Healthy Side Dish


Have you ever tried to change your eating habits, maybe even started to follow a specific diet, inspired by the amazing results a friend, celebrity or someone on social media reported?


How did it work out for you?


Considering that you are on my website today, I assume that it didn’t work out exactly as expected. Why is that?


“I just don’t have enough willpower”, is what I often hear people say. Or “I just don’t have time to eat healthy”. But is this really true? Is there maybe a different reason?


When we want to change our eating habits, we usually focus on changing our actions, without taking into account that every habit of action is run by a habit of thought. If you eat chocolate every day at 3pm or end up in front of the TV with a pack of crisps or biscuits at the end of the day, and you take away those snacks, all you have taken away is the habit of action. Your habit of thought is still the same.


RTT® gives you the opportunity to explore WHY you are doing what you do. When you get an understanding of the thought that runs your action and work on changing this thought, this is when sustainable change can happen.


“I want to exercise more but I am just too busy, too tired…..”

“I really want to be more active but I find it so hard to motivate myself.”

“I usually stick to my workout routine for a few weeks but just can’t seem to be able to keep it up in the long run.”


Sounds familiar? You are not alone. In 2022, the WHO announced that, globally, 1 in 4 adults do not meet the recommended levels of physical activity to stay healthy. And yet, we need physical activity both for our body and mind, to feel mentally and physically at our best. Many of us know this and, consciously, we may want to exercise - but our subconscious mind often has other ideas.


The question is therefore: What beliefs have we created that are holding us back from being active, moving more, and reconnecting with our innate drive to find joy in movement?


Hypnosis is widely used in sports, not only to manage stress and increase confidence, but also to improve technique, motivation and athletic performance.


RTT® in particular can help you explore any limiting beliefs you may have in this area and install new, more beneficial beliefs that can ultimately lead to increased exercise motivation, training results, and more.

Image by Dane Wetton
Woman Sleeping


When was the last time you heard yourself say “Oh wow, I slept like a baby last night!”?


If you have to think twice, it's probably been too long ago…


As adults, we need about seven to nine hours of sleep every night. Good quality sleep is not only essential for our physical but also for our mental and emotional wellbeing, while chronic sleep deprivation can impair our daytime functioning and mood, increase the risk for illness and even negatively impact our eating habits.


Recent studies have shown that women in particular report sleep difficulties and experience low-quality sleep at night, and that hypnosis can be a promising technique to make changes in this area.


As a Holistic Health Coach, certified Hypnotherapist and RTT® Therapist, I would love to speak with you about lifestyle changes you can implement to positively impact your sleep, and help you get to the root cause of what is standing between you and your natural ability to sleep ‘like a baby’.


You were born with the wonderful belief that you can do anything you set your mind to!


When you were born, you believed – like all babies ever born – that you were so worthy of love, attention and all your needs being met.


You knew that you were enough just the way you are.


When you were learning to walk you fell many times. But you never gave up. You got back up over and over again and kept trying. You KNEW you would succeed. You kept trying and YOU DID.


You had an inner cheerleader that kept spurring you on. But at some point, this cheerleader within you became more silent. It might even feel like it went away all together. And an inner critic took its place.


Many of us dream big, but there is an inner voice telling us that we are not good enough or undeserving of what we want. If you have ever had a thought like, “I can never do A because of B”, you are likely to be holding a limiting belief that prevents you from achieving personal success and happiness.


RTT® can help you bring this inner cheerleader back, believe in yourself again and triumph at everything you set your mind to.

Lingerie Model

How does it


Get an insight into my 21-day 'Think better, Feel better' Transformation Program 

Consultation Call



In this first call, we will discuss the main issue you would like to resolve and the transformation you want to achieve. We will speak about your goals and expectations, and look at your current situation and symptoms.

I will also explain in detail how the RTT® and follow-up sessions work, give you more information about the recording you will receive, and answer any questions you might have with regards to hypnotherapy, RTT® and my 'Think better, Feel better' Program.

RTT® Session



This is where the 'magic' happens! And with magic I mean communicating with your subconscious mind, finding the root of the issue you are experiencing, and replacing old, outdated beliefs with new, more beneficial ones.

The RTT® session is
 conducted online via Zoom, and takes about 2 hours. 

When you are in hypnosis, I am here to guide you and hold space for you, while you remain in full control at all times. If necessary, you can bring yourself out of the hypnotic state at any time. 

Hypnosis Recording



At the end of the RTT® session, you will receive a personalised transformational recording, tailored to your unique situation and desired outcome.

This bespoke recording, which is approx. 15 - 20 minutes long, is crucial to sustaining changes that are made in the session. It is essential that you play your recording for at least 21 days without a break to code in new  beliefs, reinforce the work done in the session and ensure lasting results.

The audio will inspire you and motivate you to take action to bring your vision to reality.





The day after the RTT® session, I will check in with you to see how you are feeling and to answer any questions you may have.

Two scheduled follow-up coaching calls are included in the program (usually around day 7-10 and day 21), to discuss your progress and transformation. 

Please consider that change happens differently for everyone. While some people experience immediate changes following their session, others notice little changes over time or do not even know they have changed until they look back. 

Any questions?
I will be happy to answer them.


‘Think better, Feel better'


What is included in this 21-day Transformation Program?

  • 1 x Consultation Call: To discuss the challenge you are experiencing and the transformation you want to achieve, and to answer any questions you may have

  • 1 x RTT® Session: A  2-hour  Rapid  Transformational Therapy session conducted over Zoom

  • 1 x Personalised Hypnosis Audio: for you to listen to during 21 days, to install new beliefs that will help you reach your individual health & wellness goals

  • 2 x Follow Up Coaching Calls: To   discuss   your progress and transformation

  • Email, Text Support for 21 Days


Most people see results after just one RTT® session.
For more complex issues, multiple sessions may be required and can be added at a preferential rate.
You also have the possibility to book follow-up Hypno-Coaching Sessions  (incl. additional hypnosis recordings) .




Would you like to know more my  'Think better, Feel better' Transformation Program?


​I invite you to book a 20-30min intro call with me. In this free intro call, I will be happy to answer any questions you might have with regards to my program, and hypnotherapy / RTT® in general.


This first call is also a great opportunity to get to know each other and to see if there is a good fit before we embark on a journey together.


The initial consultation call will be held via Zoom.

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